Sisters do as sisters should.
Sometimes in order to get the creative juices flowing, I need to reboot my system with something inspiring and fun. Sort of like a warm up sketch or drawing. It popped into my head that I should draw one of my favorite pictures of my sisters and me from our trip back in April when we all met in NYC. There is nothing like running up and down Manhattan with your crazy sisters and mom! It was a whirlwind of a trip, and this picture is an accurate representation of those 48 hours.
Things to note: Mom is not a sister, but is our BFF too. Also, Melody was added to the photo since she was the one taking it. She was also 8 months pregnant, and we didn’t think it wise of her to take a jumping picture.
I love my sisters! And also a special shout out to my sisters-in-law, Cortnie and Julie, whom I love dearly as well.
In order: Mom, Me, Cami, Amber, Emily & Melody (twins).
By the way, the “sisters do as sisters should” quote, if you didn’t already know, comes from a very funny SNL sketch seen here. If you haven’t seen it, I highly suggest heading over there right now and checking it out.